More organisations we support:
Guildford Besom
A local charity set up in 2002 to help members of local churches to make a real difference through practical work (gardening, DIY, etc) and by giving good quality items (furniture, kitchen equipment, clothes, etc). Besom work closely with Social Services, Hostels and local groups to support those in need.
The Matrix Trust
A Christian charity providing a lifeline for vulnerable young people across Guildford Borough. The Matrix Trust was set up over 22 years ago and is dedicated to working with young people, helping them to improve their lives, and for young people, enabling change by nurturing, inspiring, connecting and empowering them.
Friends International
A local Christian charity which supports international students in building friendships, making links with local families and exploring life in the UK by organising events, experiences and social meet-ups to help students to learn about and take part in British culture and get the most from their time at Surrey University.
A Christian charity that partners with churches in more than 50 of the world’s poorest countries. Tearfund tackles poverty through sustainable development, responding to disasters and challenging injustice. Tearfund believes that an end to extreme poverty is possible.
At Westborough, we support several mission partners. These are individuals, families and organisations who we have committed to working closely with long-term, to support their work of showing God’s love to those in the UK and across the world and spreading the message that through Jesus, all have the chance to live “life in all its fullness” (John 10:10).
How this work helps us to fulfil our Church vision:
We believe in the power of prayer. We know that God hears each prayer spoken aloud or thought quietly in the depths of our heart and we pray for the work of our mission partners: that they, their families and their work will thrive and many will come to know Jesus through them.
One of the ways we show our love for God is by loving others. We demonstrate this love through keeping in close contact, praying regularly and with financial support for our mission partners.
Regular updates from our mission partners keep us informed and inspire us to take action to provide for their needs where we can and to pray, asking God to intervene and provide where we cannot do this ourselves.
We are part of a worldwide Church, worshipping the Living God in unity, with our own languages, cultures, styles of worship, choices of songs and ways of serving God and our communities. We celebrate this diversity in our links with Christians far and near, as one Church family.
God has blessed us with many good things of all kinds and we enjoy the privilege of being able to share our blessings in support of our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world, both financially and emotionally, by showing that we care.
We have decided to take positive action and have long been committed to supporting the work and lives of our mission partners. We have supported Jonah in Zimbabwe for over 30 years, Heather Lawrence for close to 40 years, the Kemp family for almost 30 years, and Christians Against Poverty (CAP) for 10 years. Our support helps make it possible for them to focus on the work God has given them to do, aiming to spread the message that through Jesus, all have the chance to live “life in all its fullness” (John 10:10).